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Axel Krygier: Hombre de Piedra (Crammed Discs)

Inspired by the French prehistoric documentary Lascaux: Le Ciel des Premiers Hommes, Argentine maverick composer/musician Krygier’s fifth album is his first concept work. He uses a dizzying array of musical genres to tell his tale of Big Foot’s journey from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Though the vocals are in Spanish, anyone can enjoy the musical delights to be found here. Among genres one encounters on this journey are B movie lounge music (on the title track), disco (“Lo tendre que adivinar”), rockabilly (“Tiempo y Tierra”), and he even pays homage to Italian maestro Ennio Morricone with a spaghetti-western theme (“Mosquito”). And that’s just the tip of the musical iceberg on this world-music cornucopia. With his deft ability to morph from one style to another between tracks, it’s easy to see that Krygier’s résumé includes music for films, plays and dance performances.